Design Sprints

Most often in our creative pursuits there needs to be an ability to see the forest from the trees. See the big picture at the same time tune in on the details when needed. The ability to focus and tune is quite a vital skill for architects and technology leaders. Focus and flare skills are much the same way when applied to solving wicked problems. Design thinking and innovation techniques are a proven way to address seemingly complicated problems to help one create awesome products and solutions.

Design thinking for better products and solutions – Learn it to Create Awesome Products and Solutions

Design thinking is becoming a popular disciple in most companies with most companies almost sending up to half of their entire staff on courses. We shall look at how you can use it your advantage.

 1. Intro to design thinking

2. What does it take to implement it for your product story

3. See Use Cases

4. When to Use it and when not it?

5. How does it fit with other process frameworks?